Scrælingas on þǣre Geānedum Rīcum AmericanEFvK3hifyic1a lix Ss u8G7WMi12 Gge KpglhsL

Willelmes Pennes foremæl mid Scrælingum

Scrælingas sind se eald inlende folc of American and manig Scrælingisca bifylc onwuniaþ þæt land se belimpeþ þā Geānedan Rīcu American. Ðæs landes leodweard andeteþ mār þon fīf hund bifylc, þā sind 'geþoftscipes andettede bifylc in þǣre Geānedum Rīcum American. Ymbe healf habbaþ Scrælinga fealdas. Ēac in þǣre Geānedum Rīcum sind inlende Hawaiiware þā nearon Scrælingas.

In þǣm land þæt is nū þā Geānedan Rīcu American adreccedon Scrælingas manig ðing siððan ðe menn cwōmon ofersǣ of Breten and of Europan in þæt land. Selde ādl cwōm, wig and þēowdōm and æfter Americaware staþoledon hiera Geānedan Rīcu adrāf hie manig bifylc of hiera ierfeland.

Tōdæg onmang þǣre Geānedum Rīcum America sind fīf þūsanda þūsanda Scrælingas.

Glēsing[adihtan | ādihtan fruman]

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